About US


It all starts when…

You have an opinion. You want to share your opinion. You realize that shouting into the void would yield no results. So, what’s the next step?

You write it.

The Opinion page is exactly what it sounds like! We write about student opinions and perspectives on different issues. We are unique because all articles come from our own arguments and thoughts on that certain issue. We look for people with strong opinions, strong voices, and the ability to argue and defend their opinions.



Why is The Oracle so liberal?

The Oracle, as a publication, has no political affiliation. Our Opinion articles reflect the opinion of the writer of the article. The writer forms the opinion from their personal life, during their education, and/or even while they are researching to write their article. Our writers will write based on their personal beliefs, and if those beliefs are liberal, that’s just how it is. We do not enforce any particular political position on our staff.

Articles published as “Staff Editorials” with no given author is the opinion of the editorial board.

I disagree with what was published, what do I do?

If you feel that information published was inaccurate, please let us know. However, if you have a different opinion, you can contact us with a letter to the editor or a response column. Responses may either be addressed privately or published in the newspaper. The Oracle reserves the right to edit any published responses for clarity, length, or legibility. We do hope to foster a dialogue, so dissenting opinions (that are backed with proper argumentation) are always welcomed!

Does the Opinion page represent the entire student body?

No, the Opinion page does not and does not even claim to represent the opinions of the entire student body. We have a diverse array of opinions here at Troy High School, all of which would be near impossible to encompass within an article. Our columns show the opinion of one student, the writer themself. In the case of staff editorial articles, the general opinion of the Opinion page and the editorial board is represented.

Occasionally, however, the Opinion page hosts module called “Mark My Words” in which we collect student responses to a particular issue in order to see a broader student opinion of current events. The Opinion page conducts student opinion surveys. All the surveys are voluntary and administered through Google forms. We restrict responses to FJUHSD accounts but maintain the anonymity of the survey takers.

Does Oracle publish guest columns?

No, we do not publish independent guest columns. To ensure the quality and integrity of the writing, we only publish articles by our staff. We do, however, accept response columns.