Seasons by Jason Lo

As this year begins, an old one ends.

Exhaling clear clouds of frost at dawn,

Awaits us the first rays of light on the horizon.

Rain roaring and punching our umbrellas,

As we walk down the slippery, soaked streets.


Flowers bloom, moisture grasps the air,

Morning dew raises the fresh scent of grass.

A child blows on a pure dandelion,

Up and away the white petals fly.


School is out, freedom here we come!

The highway mirage reflects like a mirror, 

Incinerating temperatures circulate everywhere.

Salty sweat dripping from our faces.


Dim orange light of a setting sun.

Orange invades the green,

As they make their way to the ground.

A bare, naked tree stands alone.


As this year ends, a new one begins.