Our man went out late last night
into the little slumbering backstreets
and saw (he did) by the half-light
the fabled succubus’ outline
so to-
-wards her he fell, fell,
fell and no one dared to
hear, cared to call him out of Hell
no one on the slumbering streets
for which he yearned last night.
This morn our man said
a succubus he saw!
(he did) in the streets, florets red
gold red gold red
blood, wine and song
ringed around her head
And a tail, he said,
folded wings, claws;
and that with the dawn
she sank to ashes
like the dead.
A laugh, our tale was,
whispering ‘round tables
so when night fell again
no one followed our
man who’d seen a succubus
(he did!) into the streets
and saw how
when the dawn came
to the ground
they went
the dead.